Applying For Benefits


  1. Calling our office today and letting us take care of it for you. 352.671.6700
  2. Applying in person at the local Social Security Office
  3. Calling 800.772.1213
  4. Online at

How do I apply for Social Security disability benefits?

It is not difficult to apply for benefits, but it is difficult to get approved and the wait is very often more than ONE YEAR before you get an answer! File your application as soon as possible.

Most people who apply for benefits are initially denied.

Many people think that if they simply explain their medical situation to Social Security, someone at the SSA will understand and award them benefits. The truth is, that’s not the way the Social Security Administration works.

The “system” involves many, many rules, regulations, and procedures.

You can be denied for any number of reasons, often through no fault of your own.

For example, you may be denied benefits if your doctor doesn’t know what’s important to your particular claim. Or, if a Social Security employee does not obtain the right medical evidence on your behalf. Or, if your appeal of a denial is handled improperly. That’s why it’s so important to contact us NOW!! We will give you:

  1. A free evaluation of your claim to help you decide if your claim is worth pursuing.
  2. Information about filing, such as what is the best method for you to apply given your circumstances.
  3. Help with ensuring your application is processed timely – not delayed or lost!
  4. Help with determining the best way for your situation to be understood, so that you have the best chance to be awarded the most “back pay.”
  5. Suggestions on how to best describe your past jobs.
  6. Information about which medical records are the most important to helping the government best understand your situation. Not all records are equal.
  7. Information about what’s NOT important – you’d be surprised!
  8. Information regarding what you can do yourself to help get your claim processed correctly.

To schedule a consultation, contact the DiLorenzo Law Office at 352.671.6700, at our Toll Free number 866.671.6700 or by completing our online contact form. We place great emphasis on returning messages promptly.

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